I sent the following email to a good friend of mine who is struggling. I share with you the message of the email in order to give you hope.
Thank you for the kind words. I am humbled that you consider me worthy of your trust to share in your struggles.
Remember, we are all broken and Christ is healing us. None of us have it all together. Brokenness is actually a good thing because it keeps us humble and ever desiring more of God.
However, we must not let brokenness become bitterness and lead to distrust of God and reliance on ourselves for the answers. That leads to idolatry and addiction.
Keep being humble before the Lord and trusting in him for your satisfaction.
Never give up hope, we won't always be broken....one day we shall see Jesus face to face and all this will become a dim memory. Until then though, rest in the assurance of his grace and let his righteousness flow through you. It is his blood that has already made you as righteous before God as you will ever get and it is the Holy Spirit in you that is everyday making you more like Christ in character and conduct.
We are all broken--meaning we all are a failure somewhere in our lives whether it is an addiction, a past hurt we can't overcome, a bad habit, a bad relationship, past family problems, abuse, neglect, lack of self-control, self-condemnation, arrogance, etc.
Healing can only come from the Great Physician--Jesus Christ--who took all of our brokenness upon himself and left it nailed to the cross.
So, while we are broken we also have hope. Hope that our brokenness is being healed if we allow Jesus to heal it and will be finally and completely healed once we enter eternity with him.
Wesley Covenant Renewal Service
A few years ago I developed a version of John Wesley's Covenant Renewal
with updated language for my church based on the works of George Lyon and
4 years ago
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